Medical Interpreter Dress Code: Bottoms


We’ve covered a number of topics with our dress code series, and it seems like it’s interesting to many of our readers.  Thank you!  Today we’ll continue the discussion by talking about bottoms.

Here are some key factors to keep in mind when choosing which bottoms to add to your dress code.


Black and khaki are most appropriate.  They pair well with all color tops and are universally appropriate in any professional setting.  Their material and cut are flattering to any body type.  

Gray bottoms may be an option.  However, if you've selected gray as an option for tops, you may run the risk of poorly matched gray on gray combinations.  Gray pants are a gray area:  too many versions of the color.


Dress Bottoms are most universally acceptable.  You can find pleat front, flat front, trouser cut, boot cut, tapered cut or any other kind of cut out there.  They all come in black and khaki.  

Skirts are acceptable so long as they are knee length or longer.  The slit should always be in the back and rise no higher than mid-thigh.  

Cargo pants are offered in these colors, but you're not going camping, so try and avoid them.

Shorts are never acceptable. 

Length & Fit  

Length is key.  No floods please.  Be sure your pants cover the top part of your shoes.

Avoid anything that is too form fitting, such as knit or stretch material.  Even though they may match dress code, you run the risk of inappropriate presentation.  We're trying to be professional, not casual.  Keep these for at home, the gym, or time out with friends.


Denim jeans are very casual so take caution.  It won't differentiate you from anyone else in the waiting room.  Denim is not allowed in some medical settings.  Avoid it so you can have last minute access to any department at any location.  No one wants to hear you have to go home and change.

We’re not done yet!

Side note:  You may want to make belts a part of your dress code.  They help avoid the unseemly butt cleavage or flash of underwear.  Although, if you’ve read our Tops blog, this may not be an issue.  Just remember, you want to people to get to know you, but not that well! 

I hope this helps to round out the basics of your new dress code.  Keep following us to find out what else you should consider when representing yourself, and all medical interpreters, as medical professionals.

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Posted on March 25, 2015 and filed under Interpreter, Manager.