Medical Interpreter Dress Code: Jewelry, Piercings & Tattoos

jewelry piercing tattoos

In this next post on the medical interpreter dress code I'm going to cover facial piercings, tattoos, and jewelry.

I've given these accessories their own point of discussion because people have strong opinions about jewelry, piercings and tattoos.  That isn't to say that they can't have their place in a professional setting.  It just means we need to pay special attention to their impact on your professional integrity.

Facial piercings:  

Oh so distracting.  A discrete nose ring in your nostril won't put up any flags, and it won't cause anyone to stare.  Eye brows, lips, tongues or any other area on your face will have people focusing on your hardware rather than on your skills and abilities as a professional.

I have one on the backside of my wrist.  I can cover it with jewelry or makeup if need be.  It's also small and unaffiliated to anyone or anything.  It is a personal statement that was made with much consideration on the impact it could have on my professional career opportunities.

Tattoos have significant meaning for anyone who has one.  They can be great conversation starters in some settings.  They can be offensive in others.  Don't get stuck in the cross hairs when you’re in the field.  Your job isn't to be a conversation starter. Your job is to maintain a neutral role in the healthcare setting.  Be sure to cover your tattoos with jewelry, makeup or clothing.  

A hand covered in rings, bracelets that make a lot of noise, earrings that are really, REALLY shiny.  These can all be serious distractions.  If your ears are pierced all along your ear, limit the number of earrings you wear to two pair.  Make sure you are wearing the jewelry and the jewelry isn't wearing you!  All jewelry worn should be understated, not drawing any unnecessary attention.  Save the bling, bling for your personal time away from the job.

Remember, you are in confined spaces and your job is to facilitate communication and empower the provider-patient relationship.  Bottom line - be discrete.  What one person loves might be offensive to another.  

What do you think about setting guidelines for jewelry, piercings, and tattoos?

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    Posted on June 29, 2015 and filed under Interpreter, Manager.