Interpreters should be careful that their own filters don't distort the original meaning of the messages they interpret.
Interpret in Healthcare? Have yourself a laugh!
Interpreting in the medical setting is serious business. Having a good laugh can help interpreters build the stamina to get through the challenges of working in the medical setting.
Medical Interpreter Continuing Education Is the Coolest
What goes into the design and development of our medical interpreter continuing education courses? A lot of CPLP®.
5 Tips for Medical Interpreters to Build Rapport with Everyone
Here are a few tips for integrating rapport-building into your work as a medical interpreter.
Medical Interpreter Safety: You’ve Been Exposed!
Medical interpreters are exposed to many potential health hazards when working in medical facilities; proper documentation can go a long way to ensure their well-being.
3 Ways to Ruin Your Online Learning Experience (and Their Alternatives)
These are a few ways students steer their online learning experience off course, and – more importantly – ways to avoid doing so.
Why Connecting Cultures' Online Learning Works for Medical Interpreter Continuing Education
In this post highlights why Connecting Cultures' online learning works for medical interpreter continuing education.
Medical Interpreters: Understanding Law Enforcement Role In Mental Health Crises
The medical interpreter should understand the role and training of the officer who is present during a mental health crisis intervention.
Medical Interpreters Help Officers by Not Interpreting for Them
For the good of law enforcement officers, the medical interpreter should not interpret for officers at a medical encounter.
Interpreters: Speak Like You’ve Never Spoken Before
It doesn’t (necessarily) matter what the interpreter's natural speaking style is, but be aware of it and then adjust to what is needed in the moment.
When Interpreting, It's the Tone That Counts!
Interpreters need to use the appropriate tone of voice to carry the meaning through the words.
The Medical Interpreter Wake
Building relationships is essential to being an effective interpreter.
Medical Interpreters Have Wounds, Too
Medical interpreters need ways to work through challenging situations so that they can continue to do their invaluable work.
Medical Interpreters: Give Yourself Some Now Space
There are many factors that contribute to the burnout of medical interpreters. Putting yourself in a temporal squeeze is one of them.
The Medical Interpreter's Most Important Person
An alternative approach to combating the misconceptions about the value and importance of the work of medical interpreters.