Interpreting for parents instead of patients can be complicated. Here are some tricky situations, and one simple solution!
Nobody Wants to Talk to You
The best interpreters are the ones you might notice the least! This is the intricate balance that interpreters must maintain between personable and professional.
Starting from Scratch? Study!
Are you interested in healthcare interpreting but don’t know where to start? Here is how I “stumbled” into interpreting, and why finding a training program is so important!
Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: How Consistency Can Save Interpreting
Consistency in any service, from a grocery store, to banks, to the doctor office, needs to be a consistent system. If Google marries Siri, will that fix all the variables for a consistent experience where ever you go? Let's hope that isn't the answer.
Squinting, Hummingbird, Scab, Treasure: A Linguistic Journey into Medical Interpreting
Are you a word wizard that occasionally gets stuck on the most mundane words? Interpreters work through this every day and can challenge the most powerful wizards of all!
Put me in coach! I'm ready to play today...err not ???
Interpreters who become managers should lead and not do, or at least not as much.
Investing in Yourself
Here are five reasons why investing in yourself can improve your financial situation.
Memory and the Medical Interpreter
Here are a few points for medical interpreters to keep in mind when using their memory skills in healthcare encounters.
3 Tips on Dealing with Competitive Interpreting
When a bilingual individual tries to outdo the professional interpreter, it can quickly turn into an interpreting competition. Let's avoid that.
Accelerate Medical Interpreter Professional Development with Shared Learning
When participating in professional development activities, let's find ways to share the learning with all interpreter colleagues.
Finding Equivalents for U.S. Healthcare Terms: Googling it and Beyond
Natalya Mytareva highlights her topic on interpreting non-standardized healthcare terms. She’ll present at the 9th Annual TAHIT Educational Symposium.
Interpreters: You Can Master Note-Taking!
Andrew Jerger highlights his session on note-taking skills for interpreters, which he'll present at the 9th Annual TAHIT Educational Symposium.
Interpreters: Know Your Filters!
Interpreters should be careful that their own filters don't distort the original meaning of the messages they interpret.
Healthcare Interpreters: Prepare for the Changes in Our Profession!
Eliana Lobo shares highlights of her presentation for working medical interpreters, which she'll present at the 9th Annual TAHIT Educational Symposium.
Interpret in Healthcare? Have yourself a laugh!
Interpreting in the medical setting is serious business. Having a good laugh can help interpreters build the stamina to get through the challenges of working in the medical setting.