Interpreters are heroes who make it possible for the medical team to care for patients. This is especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic.
When Interpreting Services Fall Short (Part 1)
This is the first in a two-part series that highlights scenarios when interpreting services did not meet expectations and some specific learnings from the situations.
I Don't Need an Interpreter (Bonus Story)
When the patient or family members are bilingual, it might not be immediately apparent to the medical team if an interpreter is needed or not. As a medical interpreter, you might find yourself in this situation, too, if you are ever in need of medical care. As it turns out, sometimes an interpreter is truly not required.
I Don't Need an Interpreter (Part 3)
Sometimes the interpreter's champion is an unlikely or unexpected person. It's always nice when a member of the medical team understands how important your role is!
Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: How Consistency Can Save Interpreting
Consistency in any service, from a grocery store, to banks, to the doctor office, needs to be a consistent system. If Google marries Siri, will that fix all the variables for a consistent experience where ever you go? Let's hope that isn't the answer.
Defining the Language Services Buyer
Compliance, Risk Management, Pastoral Services, Facilities Management: Who buys Language Services?
Language services is number 367 on the to-do list for most buyers. Take the guess work out of buying and see how to make interpreting services work for your organization.
Medical Team Values Interpreters
Sharing moments when the work of interpreters was valued and appreciated by members of the medical team.
5 Things Medical Interpreters Need to Know About Informed Consent
Cynthia Peinado Hermosillo highlights her topic on informed consent, which she’ll present at the 9th Annual TAHIT Educational Symposium.
Healthcare Interpreters: Prepare for the Changes in Our Profession!
Eliana Lobo shares highlights of her presentation for working medical interpreters, which she'll present at the 9th Annual TAHIT Educational Symposium.
5 Tips for Medical Interpreters to Build Rapport with Everyone
Here are a few tips for integrating rapport-building into your work as a medical interpreter.
Medical Interpreter Safety: You’ve Been Exposed!
Medical interpreters are exposed to many potential health hazards when working in medical facilities; proper documentation can go a long way to ensure their well-being.
Language Access Services: Who’s Responsible for Success?
When it comes to providing excellent language access services, no one is off the hook.
Medical Interpreters: Your Competence Is Always in Question
Medical interpreters should proactively convey their competence to inspire confidence in their professional abilities.
The Blood and Guts of Interpreting
Interpreters are exposed to the same stress that healthcare providers endure. Yet this issue has only recently been addressed in interpreter training.
The ABCs of Interpreting in Pediatrics
Interpreting in pediatrics is unique to other settings in that interpreters, like pediatricians, are dealing with young patients and their caregivers.