Being aware of microaggressions is one of those little big things we can do as professionals to ensure better understanding to those we serve - patients, providers, and colleagues.
Interpreters: Speak Like You’ve Never Spoken Before
It doesn’t (necessarily) matter what the interpreter's natural speaking style is, but be aware of it and then adjust to what is needed in the moment.
When Interpreting, It's the Tone That Counts!
Interpreters need to use the appropriate tone of voice to carry the meaning through the words.
The Medical Interpreter Wake
Building relationships is essential to being an effective interpreter.
3 Ways for Medical Interpreter Managers to Create a Good Work Environment
These are three things medical interpreter managers can do to create a good work environment for their team:
Medical Interpreters Have Wounds, Too
Medical interpreters need ways to work through challenging situations so that they can continue to do their invaluable work.
Medical Interpreters: Give Yourself Some Now Space
There are many factors that contribute to the burnout of medical interpreters. Putting yourself in a temporal squeeze is one of them.
The Medical Interpreter's Most Important Person
An alternative approach to combating the misconceptions about the value and importance of the work of medical interpreters.
4 Ways to Make a Bad Impression
Here are four ways medical interpreters can make a bad impression. (It is my most sincere wish that you avoid all of them.)
Ideal Interpreting Environment: A Medical Interpreter’s Dream
It's important for medical interpreters to be aware of their ideal interpreting conditions and to develop strategies to adapt to the current situation.
Medical Interpreters and Mastering Memory Recall
Medical interpreters who are familiar with their subject matter give themselves an advantage when it's time to recall messages.
Medical Interpreter Safety: 3 Survival Tips When Home and Work Collide
As medical interpreters, we make every effort to establish rapport while navigating delicate boundaries with the people we interact with professionally. But what happens when our professional lives intersect with our personal lives?
Medical Interpreter Safety: Don’t be the Punching Bag
When the medical interpreter becomes the target of poor behavior, it's helpful to be prepared to respond appropriately and professionally.
Medical Interpreter Dress Code: What Not to Wear
This post in the series on a dress code fore medical interpreters focuses on colors, how to select them to your professional advantage and what to avoid.
Interpreting for Children and Parents
The purpose of this paper is to leave you with an overview of how pediatric encounters differ from adult ones, as well as a concrete set of strategies you can use in order to minimize the potential for errors and the stress associated with the encounter, while maximizing your accuracy.