“Good luck interpreting that!” chuckled the doctor after a particularly quirky comment. Or maybe you just thought it to yourself.
Either way, it’s not uncommon to find yourself challenged to interpret informal or uncommon words and phrases.
In order for the interpreter to render a successful interpretation, it is essential that the interpreter first identify the full meaning of the speaker’s message. This can be a challenging task, especially given the unique – and at times strange – expressions that people use to communicate their thoughts.
In this interactive session healthcare interpreters discuss examples from their own experiences to go beyond the sentence and understand the full meaning of the spoken message. You’ll be more comfortable interpreting in these sticky situations when you learn to divorce the word, and marry the meaning.
Learning Objectives:
Analyze the Meaning of a Speaker’s Message
Practice and Strengthen Discourse Analysis Skills
Explain Strategies for Effective Communication Flow
Analyze the Meaning of Common Colloquial Phrases
Course Details:
2-hour class
CE approved
ATA: 2 points
CCHI: 2 performance hours
IMIA: 0.2 CEUs
WA DSHS: 2 hours
Live, instructor-led online classroom
Instructor: Erin Rosales